Homework Help Bot Docs

The Homework Help Bot, aka HWH Bot was built to automate mundane, daily functions within the Homework Help server such as changing roles, logging actions and prettifying messages. It was built using the Discord.js library.


  1. Node >= 8
  2. npm or yarn


If its functionality mirrors your server and you'd like to use it, or if you just want to learn from it, here's how you install it:

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/spjy/hwh-bot.git

# Change directories into the repo root 
cd hwh-bot

# Install dependencies 
npm i

Finally, set up your environment variables; copy and paste .env.schema and fill at least DISCORD_TOKEN; the others are optional.


To run the bot, simply type:

# Run the bot
npm start

Directory Structure

The bot is event based, and naturally the file structure represents that. The /src folder contains all of the source code of the bot. Each Discord.js defined event that HWH Bot uses is separated into their respective folders, namely in /src/events, and related scripts are contained in the event's folder. For example, message based events are contained within /src/events/message and its respective scripts are inside that event's folder.

│   .env
│   .env.schema
│   .eslintrc.json
│   .gitattributes
│   .gitignore
│   Dockerfile
│   package.json
│   Procfile
│   README.md
│   yarn.lock
    │   index.js
        │   index.js
        │       index.js
        │       log.js
        │       index.js
        │       log.js
        │       index.js
        │       log.js
        │       index.js
        │       log.js
        │       dialogflow.js
        │       dm.js
        │       index.js
        │       mention.js
        │       mentionable.js
        │       report.js
        │       role.js
        │       rules.js
        │       suggestRole.js
        │       tipa5.js
        │       tips.js
        │       warning.js

Main /src/index.js file

/src/index.js is the final piece of the puzzle to mend each component together. In here, we run Discord.js, define constants and instantiate events.

Constants are values that remain unchanged and increase readability. For instance, we define user, role and channel IDs (which remain constant) and increase readability in the code below.

Events are defined based on the Discord.js defined client events. You should only import relevent scripts within each respective event function. For example, I would not use a messageReactionAdd script inside a message event.

Event Folders

As mentioned before, event folders are inside /src/events and are named based on the Discord.js defined events. Scripts within each event folder are automatically imported by the index.js file and stored into a Discord.js Collection and are available for use only inside the /src/index.js file. You can access the event by running:


Each script within the event should be modularized per command. For example, if a report command should be in a separate script from a role change command.

The file name of the script should be camel cased and reflect what the script does in some way. For example if the script allows a user to suggest a role, the file would be called suggestRole.js Additionally, a general template should be followed:

Commented Template

// Import Raven for error handling
const Raven = require('raven');

// Export statement
module.exports = {
  description: '', // Brief description of script
  async execute() { // Function containing logic
    try {
      // Script contents
    } catch (err) {
      Raven.captureException(err); // Send errors to Raven

Blank Template

const Raven = require('raven');

module.exports = {
  description: '',
  async execute() {
    try {

    } catch (err) {